When I first started at The Jones, Jeremy used to make a point of asking me "Are you sure you want to be a cook?" at moments of stress or inconvenience. Like when 5 new tickets came up and the board was already full or when I returned from a some random task to find the dish pit piled really high. It always made me laugh. This went on once or twice a week for the first month or so then trailed off. He few days ago he asked me for the first time since May. When I asked him, why the sudden resurgence? He said "well, 10 years from now I just want you to remember that I gave you plenty of chances to back out." This made me very happy. Jeremy, the motorcycle riding, houseboat living, offensive lineman resembling, stoic, veteran "chef's chef" implied that I might have what it takes to do what he does.
In other news, when I was clocking out the other day, the server who clocked out before me forgot to click continue so her hours and tips were still right there on the screen when I sat down. I couldn't help but notice that in the past week she made significantly more than me in tips alone. I was well warned before my first day in the business of the realities of making way less than servers and thus was not shocked. Oh well, at least a cooks wage earning potential has a much higher ceiling.
In other news, when I was clocking out the other day, the server who clocked out before me forgot to click continue so her hours and tips were still right there on the screen when I sat down. I couldn't help but notice that in the past week she made significantly more than me in tips alone. I was well warned before my first day in the business of the realities of making way less than servers and thus was not shocked. Oh well, at least a cooks wage earning potential has a much higher ceiling.