Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Free Cake!

One of the best perks of my job is getting to take home cosmetically damaged or barely unserveable deserts. Just the other day Joe made the ganache for his Boston cream pie too thick so he had to spread it on rather than pour it so instead of being perfectly smooth and glossy like it is supposed to it was full of rippples and matte. Basically it looked like a cake that someone's mother had made rather than a cake produced by a professional kitchen. That is very important. Jason made a new one the next day and I got to take home the ugly one.

When you make a chocolate ganache for a cake be sure to make sure that when you put it on it is just thin/warm enough so that you can pour it over the top of the cake and it will fall over the edges but still cling to the sides. Ugly things just never taste quite as good as beautiful ones.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ugly things just never taste quite as good as beautiful ones.

Debatable. For example, morels, braised pork belly...

2:02 PM  
Blogger Julian said...

that depends entirely on how they're presented

11:10 PM  

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